Brown trout are the best trout

^^^ This image above is not in the general template for a post file. It is added with:

{{< image src="/img/uploads/leaping-baby-brown-trout.jpg" 
  alt="Hello Friendo"
  style="border-radius: 50px;" >}}
  • Escaping the shortcode such that it would not be executed was non-obvious. It is done with /* and */ immediately inside the shortcode’s {{ and }}… hpwever you slice it, that can haardly be considered concise.

  • Hugo’s default markdown flavour was blackfriday: until Hugo version v0.60.0 adopted goldmark: So, to deal with raw inline HTML in your Markdown files we need to enable the unsafe mode in config.toml.

            unsafe = true
  • This Hugo implementation uses title as the persistent URL and is different from the file name (in the case of this file and is kinda how I would like to move forward. BUT some of the old Wordpress posts make a distinction between title and “slug”. These files will have to remain in abeyance while I fifure that shit out. Something like, pseudocode:
if metadata.has-slug
  URL = slug
  URL = title

This offers greater flexibility and prevents things from breaking. E.g. the existing metadata in one md file has, and Hugo, dear, sweet, innocent Hugo is deriving a URL that is incorrect.

slug: setting-gcc-4-2-as-the-default-compiler-on-mac-os-x-leopard
title: Setting GCC 4.2 as the default compiler on Mac OS X Leopard

Oh, hey! This, Ladies and Germs, is why we always reads the precious docoses…

:slug the content’s slug (or title if no slug is provided in the front matter)

  • Wordpress uploads were to a location that maps to the regex to /uploads in this implementation.

  • Not sure I like the blockquote rendering, and I’d kind of like to fold in a <footer> element. But then I’m getting into the realm of markdown parsing, not hudo HTML styling. Does this matter enough to create a shortcode?, the output of which should be:

  <p>Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.</p>
  <footer>Pitt the Younger. House of Commons, 1783</footer>
  • Wordpress created static thumbnails. Let’s delete these:
  ❯❯  cd ~/code/hugo-sites/
.../ on  main
 🧠 15GiB/23GiB avec λ=❯ ...
  ❯❯  find . -regex ".*[0-9]x[0-9]*\.jpg$" -exec rm -rf {} \;

⚠️ AFTER flattening the hierarchy, of course: ⚠️mv ./*/* .

  • Found some old posterous posts that never even made it to Wordpress, back in the day in $HOME/Documents/

Hugo themes and submodules

Create .gitmodules, “register” and update it:

../ on  main [!]
 🧠 16GiB/23GiB avec λ=❯ ... 3s
  ❯❯  git submodule add https://:// themes/hello-friend-ng
  ❯❯  git submodule update --remote

Now whilst the git status report of is aware of the submodule, when I need to check the status of changes to the theme or to commit changes, I gotsta be in that submodule’s directory, ie. $HOME/code/hugo-sites/

 ../ on  main [!]
 🧠 16GiB/23GiB avec λ=❯ ...
 ❯❯ cd themes/hello-friend-ng

$ cd ~/git/
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Discarding changes to submodules

Of course, to discard local changes in git repository, one simply tries

  • git reset --hard or
  • git reset HEAD^ for quickie rollbacks

But submodules is a bit tricksier.

  1. Try to update submodules if local changes were made:
  • git submodule update --init
  1. If no dice, then try the hard resets:
  • git submodule foreach git reset --hard

Frontmatter metadata

Hugo supports 4 frontmatter formats:

  • TOML identified by opening and closing +++.
  • YAML identified by opening and closing —.
  • JSON a single JSON object surrounded by ‘{’ and ‘}’, followed by a new line.
  • ORG a group of Org mode keywords in the format ‘#+KEY: VALUE’. Any line that does not start with #+ ends the front matter section. Keyword values can be either strings (#+KEY: VALUE) or a whitespace separated list of strings (#+KEY[]: VALUE_1 VALUE_2).

The results of my WP export shenanigans give me YAML, but the output from my org file is TOML.

Eg. Wordpress:

author: "yearluk"
title: "Science jokes"
date: 2020-05-08T15:33:57+01:00
draft: true
summary: A summary of the most awesomest collection of science-based jokes on the Interwebz.
description: A description, but what distinguishes (practically speaking) a description and a summary is for the birds to tweet.
- Humour
- Random
- jokes
- science
- orgmode
image: "leaping-baby-brown-trout.jpg"
featured: "/img/avatars/220px-Arms-of-Shropshire.png"
featuredalt: "3 leopards"
featuredpath: "/img/avatars"

And the TOML for this file:

title = "level 1 org heading."
author = ["yearluk"]
date = 2020-05-18T15:33:57+01:00
tags = ["arseTAG", "cuntTAG", "wankTAG"]
categories = ["wankCAT", "cuntCAT"]
draft = true
weight = 1001
noLicense = "= true # Do not show license in this post"
summary = "This is from the \"\\:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER \\:summary\""

what does one do about the alignment and the height and width in markdown?

[caption id="attachment_1460" align="aligncenter" width="300"][![audacity-the-second-running](]( audacity-the-second-running[/caption]

[caption id=“attachment_1460” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”]audacity-the-second-running audacity-the-second-running[/caption]

perhaps use (why is this code block not visible:)

{\{< figure
  title="the figure title"
  caption="the figure caption"
  attr="attribution: thanks, Kittens!"
the figure caption

the figure title

the figure caption attribution: thanks, Kittens!

![pate... the alt text](/uploads/rustic-pate-2.jpg)

pate… the alt text

actually in this post

The general template ~/code/hugo-sites/ I should probably modify to pick up on something in the frontmatter… see the YAML above.

Deal with images from Wordpress

(ZSH reqd for the cp command!)… or should I leave the directory as-is?

cd ~/code/
mkdir ~/code/hugo-sites/
cp **/*.jpg ~/code/hugo-sites/

but there are all kinds of media types uploaded, so

cp **/*.* ~/code/hugo-sites/

Not forgetting that Wp made many copies of images in different sizes. Might need to break out the imagemagick. Anyway, after flattening out the wp uploads file system, Let’s taka a look at the original links. This is pretty typical

[caption id="attachment_1460" align="aligncenter" width="300"][![audacity-the-second-running](]( audacity-the-second-running[/caption]

The path is the thing we are interested in wp-content/uploads/2018/10/. Strip that, and point it to ~/code/hugo-sites/, and we should be golden.

Org-export notes

  • The heading would become the title of the post: here that is “level 1 org heading.”

  • Use C-c C-q the set the tags, which would become the tags for the post. These are taken from the org header, but may be overwritten by using


WHAT IS THIS? Add the following properties to specify the file name, date of exportation, and hugo customized front matter, e.g., summary.

  • A TODO heading will make the post as a draft.

Add the following properties to specify the file name, date of exportation, and hugo customized front matter, e.g., summary.