
So, the Googles are everywhere. Their website analytics have been free to use for some time– almost as long as I can remember– and they are, frankly pretty amazing. But surely, surely there is something that grates less on the conscience?

Why yes! Goatcounter is Free, Libre Open-Source Software (you do FLOSS, right?) that attempts pretty much the same kind of analytics. It’s a lightweight, privacy-conscious website analytics platform, free of cookies and all that intrusive jazz.

It provides simple user tallys of site vistors without all the bells and whistles and unnecessary features of Google Analytics, and without the use of cookies or intrusive trackers.


That’s as simple as heading over to https://goatcounter.com and signing up to get a “code” for your site. The code is of your own determination, not a pseudo-random string. Logically I chose yearlus for this locus of rambling… and goat stats are at https://yearlus.goatcounter.com.

Jam the supplied script anywhere on your site, and you are ready to cook.

The Hugo bit

0. Create a partials/goatcounter.html template

<script id="partials/goatcounter.html" 
  data-goatcounter="https://{{ .Site.Params.goatcounter }}.goatcounter.com/count"
  async src="//gc.zgo.at/count.js"></script>

1. Add the ‘code’ to your config.toml under params

   goatCounter = "yearlus"

You will, of course have other params. Don’t repeat the params table, just copy your goatcounter code under it.

2. Call the goatcounter.html template from wherever you like

I call it from two places, from a Javascript template and from the template for the footer of this site, comme ça:

{{- if .Site.Params.goatcounter }}
   <span>Analytics by <a href="https://{{ .Site.Params.goatcounter }}.goatcounter.com">Goatcounter</a>
{{- end}}

And that is pretty much that. Except, naturally for the real GOAT…

via Gfycat