0. Photos are everywhere

  • 0.1 some are in dropbox, mostly of the kids, shared by ex-wife. unsorted. prolly not in Photos.app
  • 0.2 some are knocking around the filesystem, thing that I did not want under photo management— desktop wallpapers, screenshots, “utility photos” (ones made of gas meter readings and so on), vital documents, raw TIFF scans, other random images
  • 0.3 Photographs from Photos
  • 0.4 new photos coming in from phone.
  • 0.5 from a shit-tonne of devices over many, many years

1. Rename based on EXIF data if not a “named” image. Named image is prolly a scan. unnamed==DSC-00142.jpeg or some such.

Using http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/index.html Since command line and .: will work under Linux. Also scriptable should I ever need this… on images in certain directory, auto rename/process and or/convert format

$ cd ~/Dropbox
# exiftools does not work for mp4 as relies on EXIF CreateDate, so are renaming before converting to mp4
$ for x in ~/Dropbox/Camera\ Uploads/*.MOV; do ffmpeg -i ${x} -vcodec h264 -acodec aac -strict -2 ${x}.mp4  ;done

2. Grab some existing ruby from my maid rules.rb file:

  # Camera Uploads -- Convert MOV files to MP4
  rule 'Convert .mov to .mp4 in ~/Dropbox/Camera Uploads' do
    dir('~/Dropbox/Camera\ Uploads/*.mov').each do |mov_file|
      mp4_file = mov_file[/.*(?=\..+$)/]+".mp4"
      puts "Convert QT movie... #{mov_file} to #{mp4_file}\n\n"
      cmd = "ffmpeg -i \"#{mov_file}\" -vcodec h264 -acodec aac -strict -2 \"#{mp4_file}\""


for x in ~/Pictures/apple-photos-export/*.jpg; do echo ${x};done#GENERICfor x in ~/Dropbox/Camera\ Uploads/*.MOV; do echo ${x};done
❯  for x in ./in/*.MOV.mp4; do mv ${x} ./in/$(basename ${x} .MOV.mp4).mp4; done