Can we handle flowcharts using flowchart.js ?

Given a code-block of

q0=>condition: Does it move?
q1=>condition: Should it?
q2=>condition: Should it?

np=>end: No problem!
dt=>end: Duct Tape! No Problem
wd=>end: Wd40 Rien de problem!




q0=>condition: Does it move?
q1=>condition: Should it?
q2=>condition: Should it?

np=>end: No problem!
dt=>end: Duct Tape! No Problem
wd=>end: Wd40 Rien de problem!




This is a mermaid example:

With the shortcode

{\{<mermaid align="left">}}
graph LR;
    A[Hard edge] -->|Link text| B(Round edge)
    B --> C{Decision}
    C -->|One| D[Result one]
    C -->|Two| E[Result two]
{\{< /mermaid >}}
graph LR; A[Hard edge] -->|Link text| B(Round edge) B --> C{Decision} C -->|One| D[Result one] C -->|Two| E[Result two]

Some plaine olde HTML directly in the Markdown

#a3c1ad (also known as Heroic Blue) #002147 (also known as Enemy Blue) #0f4d92 (also known as Yale Blue) #c90016 (also known as Other Enemy Crimson) #e94984 (the lovely pink of Typora’s “Souce Mode” markup (err down) #b4eaf2 (my selected text colour) , though obviously not the background. Here: Lorum Ipsum

That last is here:

And, if I am honest, the enemy’s blue is a much nicer colour.

What about $ \LaTeX $ ??????


$ \LaTeX $ says that $\\e = \mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \left( {1 + \frac{1}{n}} \right)^n $ but is mute as to the beauty of the expression. Now can we add arbitrary

Does it do such $\LaTeX$? things like:

  • \textbf{graphic designers' hijacked and bastardised quote from Cicero's De finibus bonorum et malorum }?

  • Well, let’s see….. $ \textbf{graphic designers' hijacked and bastardised quote from Cicero’s De finibus bonorum et malorum }$


  • OMG! Ima like so 😂 😂 smth.


Greek ==looks kinda nice== in this font too:

  1. Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, ==καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν==, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.

Inline $\LaTeX$ and highlighting? $\LaTeX$ and ==highlight me== needs be set up in Typora>Preference…>Markdown

Maths? or LaTeX

Pretty sure that Typora uses KaTeX … a LaTeX notation

$$ \LaTeX\ \42*42= 1764 $$

LIST of some present tenses

-1 Nous faisons le repas. — li:before “\f005”; color: #0f4d92; font-family: FontAwesome; -2 Nous achetons des pommes vertes. -3 Je fais des frites.

  • Vous faites une soupe.
  • Il aide son chien.
  • Il boivent donc elle boit.
  • Sa femme attend un enfant.

Another table

s pl
je sais nous savons
tu sais vous savez
il | elle sait ils | elles savent

savoir — to know — cf. en “savvy”.

Assimil French p 54

Group 1 – ‘-er’ verbs

rentrer to go back acheter to buy monter to ascend décrocher to fall allumer to light / tp switch on regarder to look at laver to wash se coucher to go to bed déranger to disturbed manger tp eat penser to think écouter to listen (to)

choose 4…

je rentre nous rentrons tu rentres vous rentrez il rentre ils rentrent

je pense nous pensons tu penses vous pensez elle pense ils pensent

je allume nous allumons tu allumes vous allumez on allumen ils allument

je mange nous mangeons tu manges vous mangez elle mange ils mangent

Take the verb “parler” in the present tense.

  1. “Je, tu, il, elle, on, ils, elles” verb forms are all pronounced exactly the same = “parl”. Just like the stem.
  2. The “nous from” is pronounced “on” (nasal) = “parlon”
  3. The “vous” form is pronounced “é”, just like the infinitive form of the verb “parler”. So “parlez = parler = parlé” in pronunciation.

And searching the left menu (though files), even for file names does not seem possible.

Il fait des tables

en-GB fr notes DE
jacket la veste FEMININE! Die Jacke
coat le manteau Masc. Der Mantel

Verbes français — quelques notes

Most freq used (speech)

le présente indicative

futur proche — aller (going) + infinitive

passé proche — venir (coming) de + ininitive Je viens de péter. hehehe.

Je commande de frites – I am ordering fries

| ———– | ——- | | Je | bois | | tu | bois | | il (elle) | boit | | nous | buvons | | vous | buvez | | ils (elles) | boivent |

The singular demonstrative adjectives ce, cet, and cette can all mean “this” or “that.” Your listener can usually tell by the context which you mean, but if you want to stress one or the other, you can use the suffixes -ci (here) and -là (there), as the following examples demonstrate:

Ce, Cet, Cette English Translation
Ce prof-ci parle trop. This teacher talks too much.
Ce prof-là est sympa. That teacher is nice.
Cet étudiant-ci comprend. This student understands.
Cette fille-là est perdue. That girl is lost.

Likewise, ces can mean “these” or “those,” and again you can use the suffixes to be more explicit:

Ces English Translation
Je veux regarder ces livres-là. I want to look at those books.
Je préfère ces pommes-ci. I prefer these apples.
Ces fleurs-ci sont plus jolies que ces fleurs-là. These flowers are prettier than those flowers.

on veut des frites – one (cough ‘we’) wants fries

ça se peut — that can be

und Code, wenn CSS als “Code” sein betrachtet wird.

html, body {
	background-color: #f3f2ee;
	font-family: "iAWriterDuospace", 'Niti';
	color: #1f0909;
	line-height: 1.5em;


DHCP leases

Currently active DHCP leases

MAC address IP address Hostname
00:0A:CD:31:76:CF omv
20:6E:9C:6A:96:B8 android
44:85:00:F0:FC:80 neon-T460
5C:F7:E6:C1:AE:9E Xipetotec
68:54:FD:5B:72:BD firestick0
74:DA:38:88:73:55 x201
7C:D1:C3:7D:C8:92 xolotl
B0:C0:90:4F:83:2E blackdell
B8:27:EB:1D:BA:5C unknown
F0:9F:C2:2C:07:72 unifi-ap-ac-lr

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries


Static DHCP leases configuration

MAC address IP address Hostname
00:AA:CD:31:76:CF omv
14:CC:20:BE:57:38 Archer_C8
20:6E:9C:6A:96:B8 android
68:54:FD:5B:72:BD firestick0
7C:D1:C3:7D:C8:92 xolotl